Steve Jobs' FBI files question his honesty and morality.The file is now made public and it was prepared on Steve's Job
The documents were made public on Thursday and available at FBI's Vault
Inside FbI Report
Lot of things are censored in this file. A high authoruty officer of california adivsed the fbi that mr. jobs will twist the truth and distort reality in order to achieve his
goals. Another conviction on jobs was he mistreated his daughter by not supporting him.
Some one(name censored) said that the moral chracter of jobs is questionable. Explained..did not recive any stock which would have made him quite wealthy now.
He was also charged for a bomb threat and drug related issue.
Questions asked by Fbi from Steve Jobs:
1.Have you ever been arrested, charged, or convicted of a felony offense?
2. Have you ever been arrested, charged, or convicted of a firearms or explosive charge?
3. Are there currently any charges pending against you for any criminal offense
4. Have you ever had a nervous breakdown or have you ever had medical treatment for a mental condition?
5. Did you intend to promote the unlawful aims of the organization(s)?
6. Have you ever been disciplined or cited for a breach of ethics or unprofessional conduct by, or been
the subject of a complaint to any court?
7. Is there anything in your personal life that could be used by someone to blackmail you?
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